Advanced Developers
with Extensive Experience
JavaScript developers with many years' experience building Vanilla JS projects, custom frameworks and utilizing the industry's leading frameworks such as Vue, React, Angular, Backbone and more.
Years of Experience
Our JavaScript developers have been using the language since its release in 1996, have grown with the industry they have knowledge with legacy script predating the 2015 major updates together with advanced knowledge of the last versions.
Fast & Efficient
If you are looking for fast and efficient developers, then our JavaScript Engineers will work fast and hard without limiting on the quality of deliveries. They can fit into any project lifecycle where there are one or two week sprints using Agile approaches.
Practical & Dedicated
The developers we provide will be dedicated to helping your project meet its deadlines and prioritize the work provided and accepted to ensure they delivery on time and to the specifications supplied.
Reliable & Knowledgeable
Our developers will always begin work when expected and will work diligently throughout the committed hours, they will always be happy to engage in knowledge sharing. Their technical abilities will no doubt add value to any teams they work with.
On site or remote our developers are well versed in Agile development approaches, Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development and Continuous Integration.
Why our JavaScript Developers?
Simply put we offer quality, reliability and experience at market rates. We can work closely with your team and can provide our services to work remotely or onsite.
Visit our repository if you would like to preview some Code Samples.
What is Code Quality?
It is all very well promising code quality, but what exactly does that mean? What defines Quality? The below points are highlights of the aspects of our code which we feel supports our promise of proving robust modular code easily understood by other developers.
Read more about our development practices or read our blog article Understanding Web Development.
Vanilla JS, What Is It?
This is a term to represent the creation of an application with the utilization of Native JavaScript and without using 3rd Party libraries, it is sort of an in joke with the community and has become quite a popular term. There is even a web site available although it can be confusing to new developers as it appears as if it is promoting a JavaScript framework but in reality it is simply referencing native JavaScript functionality.
In essence all Impela developers are Vanilla developers, capable of working with native JavaScript to advanced levels and helping us pioneer our AIM application development framework.
React JS and Other Frameworks
If needed, we have advanced understanding and knowledge of the Facebook React JS framework for component development for the web. We also pertain a clear understanding of the Flux principles and how to utilize the Redux framework for Single Page Applications.
Along with many other frameworks such the original pioneers of JavaScript frameworks like Prototype.js we can utilize other popular development frameworks and libraries such as jQuery, jQuery UI, Angular and Backbone and are capable of adapting and working with any framework or library built with JavaScript.
NodeJS Development
We have the proficiency to develop applications for the web using the NodeJS server, the pioneering JavaScript utility that allows web application to be created using the browser technology that has existed for two decades. We can work with expressjs or another preferred development framework, our understanding of NodeJS and its development practices has allowed us to port the AIM JavaScript client framework to NodeJS.
Other Web Technologies
Our JavaScript developers are also advanced in other web development technologies such as HTML 4 and HTML 5, CSS 2 and CSS 3 along with pre-processors such as SASS, Babel, supporting a full range of practices.
Several are also Full Stack Developers, versed in server-side technologies such as PHP and Ruby, SQL Databases and the LAMP stack.