


Project Consulting

Project Consulting
Driving the Way Forward

More About Project Consulting

Your Approach
and Work Specifics

If you are a small business and are not sure which production strategies to engage with to ensure your project is a success, utilize one of our consultants to help your project get up and running. We can guide you on the best technologies and approaches to adopt leaving you feeling secure that your delivery will be met.



We will always suggest the optimal solutions for your project.



Our applications are modular and scalable allowing additional features added with ease.



We understand the project specifications can change throughout the development lifecycle and are happy to accommodate these.



Reliability and performance are paramount to the deployment of our applications.

We can guide you when setting up your project, providing information on the best practices to adopt and the means to deliver on time

About our Consulting Services

There are many what's, why's, how's, who's, when's in a project and the production and delivery of project is dependent on the fundamental planning and strategies adopted by the project team and stake holders. We offer our expertise in several areas of your project planning stages, including setting up your project in an Agile manor, how is your product going to be developed? What would be the most efficient team structures to use? Does the team have skill level to facilitate the development requirements? These and many more questions need to be answered before a project begins a production phase.

We provide consulting and management for your project development, strategies and tactics for successful turn overs, guidance on market trends, concept technologies and the direction the markets are taking with the latest technologies. Our goal is to ensure the technology used best suits the immediate and future project needs.

Technology and Project Methodologies

If you are working with a new concept and are unsure as to the direction you should take to evolve the product then we can help make the decisions at the initial phase to drive the concept into development and production, which languages may be best suited, what skill level your team currently caters for, the potential reach of the product across global markets. You will be free to discuss with your dedicated consultant all aspects of your products delivery and deployment.

Proprietary Ideas

Do you have an idea, but are not sure how it should evolve, we can add further inspiration to your thoughts, and we provide an ethical approach to helping your product take shape. Given the private and secure nature of some concepts we provide non-disclosure agreements so that you can rest assured your secrets and new ideas are safe with us.

Management and Production

Not sure of the most effective means to develop your product, do you have limited knowledge of Agile and are stuck in a Waterfall approach to development. We can help configure your development cycles into an Agile production plan, with consulting on the effective use of user stories, technical tasks, task assignments, team and sprint management, the need for QA (Quality Assurance) Testing and Continuous Integration build processes for smooth and reliable feature releases.

If you are in the beginning phase of your project planning, or struggling to reach the expected deadlines of an already existing projects please contact one of our consultants to discuss your project, expectations and any current issues.